October 22, 2009

Oak Tree Planting

We were able to honor our promise to dedicate and plant a Live Oak tree to honor our recently retired president Dr. Reichard. The Staff would like to graciously thank Lin Frye, Director of the Arboretum and Landscape Gardening Program , Danny Hensley, Landscape Gardening Instructor, Minda Daughtry, Arboretum Assistant and part-time LSG Instructor, Jordan Astoske, Arboretum Gardener, Jason Crickenberger, part-time Arboretum Gardener, and all of the landscape gardening students. These folks dedicated many long hours to make the tree planting event so special for Dr. Reichard. Everything is so beautiful! If you didn't get a chance to visit the Arboretum at the event held to honor Dr. Reichard, please take a moment to go see the tree and the beautiful area that's been created at the Arboretum.

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